Karate Classes

Karate is not only a hobby its a way of life. It is all about having respect for yourself and others and objects around you.

Here are just a few benefits you can expect to gain from training in karate.

  • Improves reflexes, coordination and balance.
  • Increased performance in all physical activities.
  • Increased Strength and stamina so you feel great all day.
  • Increased flexibility and weight control for better overall fitness and health.
  • Cardiovascular workouts to keep you in top physical condition
  • Ability to defend yourself in life threatening situations.
  • Improved concentration for better work and study habits.
  • Stress reduction and the ability to relax when under pressure.
  • Confidence in knowing you can defend yourself and your family.
  • Confidence in knowing how to deal with bullies and other confrontations.
  • A positive attitude towards life through self confidence, self discipline and self belief.
  • Respect for yourself and those around you.
  • Motivation and “ I CAN DO” positive attitude.

Our classes are great fun for all and our instructors are very enthusiastic and motivational. Students are encouraged to do there best every step of the way. Students benefit from a high self esteem from feeling good about their accomplishments. Our lessons consist of warm ups, stretching, technique practice, line work, self defense situations, kata’s, body conditioning, sparring and much much more!silver-dragons-martial-arts-kickboxing-karate-gym

Without goals we have no direction and motivation to succeed in life, with our grading system students are promoted and awarded often and are encouraged to set their own personal goals. Achieving these goals are an incredible confidence booster. The long term goal that all students have is to achieve their Black belt, we tell every student that if they work hard and never give up they will achieve there goals. This also contributes to good character building and life skills needed to succeed in today’s way of life!

So why not give one of our lessons and try and find out the benefits that karate can bring to you!

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